A feature length in ExBerliner Magazine on the LABYRINTH performances and the goals of 1781 Collective (September/October 2023)

“How a year like no other summoned unsuspected strengths across cultures”

An article in the CS Monitor (USA) about the LABYRINTH: Performance Exhibition, hosted in Berlin, Germany, October 2020.

Interview by PETRIe Inventory with Chris Lloyd, author, the Introspective Manifesto

“A Berlino è impazzito un clown e ne ha fatto uno show”

Musica, teatro e proiezione visiva si uniscono in un omaggio ad un capolavoro espressionista. Il team creativo dietro “LABYRINTH: The Cabinet of Curiosities” presentano la loro nuova produzione: “PIERROT in the MOONLIGHT”

Article: Berlino Magazine (Italiano)